Does the Jack Russell terrier make a good pet?

The Jack Russell Terrier 

The Jack Russell terrier is the perfect pet for anyone who wants a small, loyal dog with boundless energy. They come in two types, smooth coated and rough coated.

The Jack Russell is a hunter
With a terrier's basic nature to go to ground (terrier by the way came from the Latin term "terra" which means earth), Jack Russell terriers have a strong instinct to hunt.
An excellent ratter, the Jack Russell  is a good 'housekeeper', quickly dealing with rats and also sometimes snakes. The dog can fit down burrows and in small nooks and crannies to find it's prey. They were originally used to chase foxes out of their dens.

Photo credit morgueFile
A Jack Russell terrier doing agility sports. 
This type of activity will a keep a Jack Russell out of mischief.

Jack Russells are protective
One characteristic of this dog is it's attitude towards strangers. They are very protective of their people and can be somewhat aggressive to strangers if they are not properly trained. This attitude also makes them good  little watchdogs. They were designed specifically to be aggressive to smaller prey animals, so will not do well with smaller pets in the family. Jack Russells are very vocal dogs and are not really suited to apartment or condominium life.

They are not vicious dogs however. But if they perceive a threat, perhaps a stranger coming up to the front door, they will bark and have no problem addressing the  threat. However, once the threat is proved to be no longer, (a friend of the family, perhaps?) the Jack Russell can readily relax and become a companion again.

Be careful around children
This terrier is also a family dog and loves to spend time with it's people. They can be fine with children, however, they do not appreciate rough handling, whether it be intentional or or not, and can react with aggressive behavior. Their aggressiveness is further manifested with their lack of fear towards larger dogs which can unfortunately lead to injuries.

These dogs are noted for their intelligence and high spirits. These characteristics are shown through the terrier's curiosity regarding it's environment. They require plenty of daily exercise and strong obedience training, or they tend to develop destructive behaviors due to boredom. The Jack Russell will enjoy training and do very well with it. Their high energy is very well suited to a number of dog sports, such as flyball or agility and they never tire.

Have a look at Dexter, a Jack Russell living in a big city. Lots of energy......

Jack Russell hits Hollywood!
Hollywood has also recognized the disposition of these little dogs too. Coupled with their feisty nature and compact physical characteristics, this little terrier has already made a name for itself on the big and small screens. If you recognize Wishbone (the tv series), Milo (from The Mask with Jim Carey) and Eddie (from the tv show Frasier) then you'll see why and how this little dog can make a fabulous pet for the right family.

Just be prepared to keep your Jack Russell well stimulated and well exercised.

And yes, contrary to the common belief,

Jack Russells do shed.

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