The friendly Border Terrier

The Border terrier got its name from the area called Cheviot Hills, which is actually near the border of England and Scotland. The original purpose of this dog was to bolt foxes which had gone to ground. They were also used to kill rodents, but they have been used to hunt otters and badgers in the past too.

Although loved by many people, the Border Terrier could never be called a glamour dog. They have fairly wiry coats which makes them appear somewhat scruffy and a head 'like an otter', the Border is said to resemble a junkyard dog and is built for work rather than show.

Longer legged than some of the other small terriers, the Border stands around 25-28cm (10-11') and is lightly framed with a racy, athletic appearance. Colors range from red, tan, grizzle (salt and pepper), wheaten, or tan and blue. The water-repelling double coat is designed to protect the dog from the cold, harsh climate of its homeland.

The Border Terrier is an alert, bold little hunter. It is agile and is willing to squeeze through narrow spaces to chase down any small animal that may be on the other side. They enjoy playing with children and are very lively little dogs overall. They are affectionate and mild-mannered dogs that aim to please their owners, so this makes them easy to train. If well trained, they are obedient and will do very well in agility classes. Border terriers are not as belligerent as some other terrier breeds towards other dogs, so may do well with other dogs in the family.

A day in the life of a modern border terrier.

As with other terrier breeds, the Border may become distracted if walking off the leash. The hunting instinct is still strong so he may well chase any small animal he spots. Border Terriers like to dig so it is a good idea to sink fencing at least 50 cm into the ground and be sure to check for dig holes regularly.

This tough, scruffy, little terrier is a good watchdog, and may bark, but is not an aggressive dog. Make sure you socialize your puppy well. He will be very active, but his personality and energy level will mellow as he matures, as long as he gets plenty of exercise. 

They do make very cute puppies.....

The coat of the Border terrier is another one that does not shed, so is good for allergy sufferers. It requires grooming weekly and should be bathed only when necessary.

A Border Terrier can make a great little pet for the all family and has something to offer for everyone in the family. They are even used as therapy dogs sometimes, and to aid the blind and the deaf. The kids will love its playful and energetic nature, they are intelligent dogs and easy to please. 

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